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Workshop: Rest, Rejuvenation and Renewal

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We spend a third of our lives sleeping, yet we don’t give due recognition to our rest. For most people, resting is unconscious and something we fit in during the day or week. That’s because society today has somehow led us to believe that to live life to the fullest, we need to do more. And so we place importance on the active, waking part of life, but not the passive, resting part of life. In fact, many people perceive rest as unproductive to the degree that they feel guilty for resting, or fear that others might judge them for not doing enough. This negative relationship to rest drives a person to keep pushing themselves to do more and deeper into having unhealthy rest cycles.

In fact, resting is a natural and necessary part of our existence. It keeps us rejuvenated and helps us maintain a young and optimistic mindset. Resting optimally is living optimally and making the most out of life. Studies show that resting, rejuvenating and renewing ourselves properly slows the effects of ageing and prevents us from stagnating, allowing us to be more creative, productive and efficient.

Since many of us don’t consciously think about rest, how do we know whether we are resting effectively and efficiently? How much rest is enough, or too little, or too much?

In this session, explore your relationship to rest and where your notions about rest come from. Find out how to stop feeling that you need to constantly do things and know when to give yourself a break. Discover what works and does not work for you to rest, rejuvenate and renew yourself so that you can bring new energy, vigor and meaning to what you do.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Discover how rest makes you more productive

  • Learn about the cycles and types of rest

  • Uncover your barriers to resting and why you can’t rest well

  • Find out your optimal rest formula and how to recharge properly

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Health & Vitality series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!

Earlier Event: February 9
Workshop: Managing Stress Optimally