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Workshop: Managing Stress Optimally

Most people know that too much stress is no good for you.

But do you know that not having enough stress is also not good for you?

Stress is actually a natural state of arousal that comes about when people engage in a challenging task. Not having enough stress leads to boredom, lack of meaning or even a feeling of depression!

Some of the good things about stress include having heightened senses, increased focus and a surge of energy when you need to respond to a threat. Your innate stress response causes the adrenaline rush that allows you to jump aside when there’s a car that’s going to hit you while you are crossing the road. 

So a person would need to have sufficient amount of stress, yet not too much of it, and there is an optimal amount of stress for each person that is unique to them. This has been scientifically validated through many studies.

Having an optimal amount of stress leads to a state of flow, which is a state where a person is fully engaged and feels alive. Some of you know it as runner’s high, but the truth is, flow exists in all aspects of life. You have probably experienced it when you are fully in the moment and something just “clicks” and feels totally right. 

What then is the optimal amount of stress for you such that you can achieve flow in your life?

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Explore your relationship to stress and uncover your hidden stress triggers that are occurring in your life.

  • Find out your unique optimal stress formula

  • Create clear goals and action plans such that you achieve an ideal amount of stress in your life.

  • Get coaching tips and community support to navigate through obstacles that keep you from progressing towards your goals.

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Health & Vitality series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!