Posts tagged Stress
Quiz: How Stressed Are You?

Don’t be a boiled frog!

If a frog is suddenly put into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out and save itself from impending death. But, if the frog is put in lukewarm water, with the temperature rising slowly, it will not perceive any danger to itself and will be cooked to death.

You probably would have already heard of this boiling frog story.

But do you know that a person experiencing rising levels of stress has the same effect as the rising temperature of the water on the frog?

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7 Misguided Productivity Hacks that Cause Stress and Burnout

Do you want to get things done efficiently and effectively with the minimal amount of stress?

You have probably tried a number of hacks (some of which have worked very well) to boost your productivity.

Some productivity hacks actually increase stress and if you continue using these methods, it could lead to burnout that could actually be avoided.

Making a few simple changes to these tried and proven productivity hacks would not only reduce your stress levels but boost your efficiency as well.

This is a list of 7 misguided productivity hacks, and the changes that you can make to reduce your stress levels.

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