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Define Your Contribution to the World

What You Will Get From This Session

  • Find out what your gifts are that you can contribute to others

  • Live life with a sense of purpose and meaning

  • Find your tribe, your stand, and your place in this world

  • Share and learn in a community that supports your growth and evolution

All of us, regardless of our circumstances in life, have a need to contribute. We often seek to help others and make a difference in the world. This can be in the form of improving the lives of the customers we serve at work, volunteering in communities that we care about, giving to charity, or championing others through speaking, writing, and art.

Contribution goes beyond the self. When we contribute, we connect to the world. Our contributions tell us how much we have grown, what we are truly capable of, and give us a sense of identity and our place in this world. 

Our contributions give our lives meaning, without which we might feel like a cog in the machine, going through the motions of our daily lives, and not deriving a sense of fulfillment from the things we do. At the end of our lives, looking back at our contributions gives us a sense of completion, knowing we played a part in leaving the world in a better place.

Have you ever dreamt of changing the world, or asked yourself how you would like to contribute or make a difference to society? 

Most people have a general sense of wanting to give of themselves, but without defining their contribution, they end up clueless as to where and how to get involved. Some of us may also think of ourselves as having nothing to contribute, or not good enough to make a significant impact, and so we can only dream of making a difference someday, when we become more accomplished, more attractive, more influential, or more powerful. 

What if none of this is true, or necessary, to start making a difference?

In this session, discover how ordinary people like you and I can make an extraordinary difference in the world. Find out what you really care about and why, and the motivations that would keep you championing what you truly stand for. 

Get into action that inspires you and those you serve, create a community with those who resonate with your cause, and live your life being a contribution to the planet we live in.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Understand the motivations behind why you want to contribute to others

  • Go beyond “make a difference” and define what your contribution really is

  • Discover what you truly resonate with about your contribution that compels you to act

  • Define how your actions leave a lasting impact in the world