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Workshop: Getting the Most Joy for Your Dollar

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could go on a dream holiday, or looking at a beautiful house and telling yourself, “I can’t afford it”? Most people think it’s because they don’t earn enough or don’t have enough savings to afford something they’ve always longed for. However, it’s not a matter of not having enough income. If people had more income, chances are they’d just spend it on more stuff that doesn’t matter much to them, pushing them even further away from the things that are most important to them.

We often fall into the trap of thinking we are saving, when in fact we are actually spending more – like buying things because they’re on offer, limited time offers that make you rush to buy now, and getting a free gift or free delivery if you buy over $80 worth. These are all schemes to make us part with our money. But we don’t think about it because we get a dopamine high from thinking we got a great deal. Add it all up and we actually end up spending more money on things we don’t really need. Many people also tend to think that the acquisition of things will make them happy, which is what makes a person splurge on the latest gadget to lift their mood, or rush to get the latest phone for fear of missing out.

Managing your money well isn’t about penny pinching either. Have you ever caught yourself scrimping on a gift for your loved one, or subjecting yourself to inconveniences like walking in the hot sun instead of taking a taxi just to save a few dollars and arriving hot and sweaty for an appointment? Managing your money well is about smart saving and investing, getting clear on what really matters, and being discerning about how you spend your money. 

People want a vacation home, a club membership, a degree from a top institution, but it’s not these things themselves that are important. It’s what these things bring you that actually matters – like convenience, health, freedom, experiences, relationships, and self-improvement. Being conscious about why and how you spend your money expands your perspective on how you can spend your money in meaningful ways. You’ll find that it is totally possible to work towards the little daily extravagances such as good gourmet coffee, or that dream holiday you have on your bucketlist. You are richer than you think. Not just money rich, but life rich.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Gain awareness of your money spending patterns

  • Become more joyful in the way that you spend your money

  • Minimize impulse spending and stop wasting money

  • Learn how to spend money only on the things that are important to you

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Finances series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!