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Workshop: Work-life Wellbeing

Managing work and life well has been an age-old conversation. We strive to find the sweet spot between work and life, where everything is in perfect balance. However, in today’s work environment where hybrid work has become the norm, working from home, gig work, and freelancing have led to a blurring of work and life. Some of us welcome it, and some of us struggle with it. Either way, we need to adapt to new ways of working, otherwise we could experience frustration and stress, leading to a deterioration of our general levels of health and happiness.

Have you ever tried to get work done at home amidst the loud chatter of family members, or been in an online meeting with a barking dog in the house? Do you worry about your aged parents while you are at work, or whether your teenage kids are applying themselves well to home-based learning? Does juggling the demands of work and life leave you feeling tired and dissatisfied about both? And while you’ve tried to apply all the work-life balance principles you know, is there still something missing in the way it’s working out?

That’s because traditional notions of work-life balance no longer work. It is no longer about allocating time and energy to different areas of life. Instead, we need to create clear and feasible physical, mental and emotional boundaries between work and life. When we are clear about our boundaries, it resolves tensions between work and life wellbeing. 

Work-life wellbeing need not be as elusive as it seems. How can you have it all? In this session, find out how you can achieve a state of flow between work and life, and how to operate between important areas which matter to you in a seamless manner. Discover what makes you happy and fulfilled in all areas of your life and work, and how you can be effective, efficient and productive in everything you do.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Discover ways of integrating your life and work in a holistic manner

  • Resolve conflicts between competing priorities in your work and life

  • Make effective use of your time and energy in your work-life balance

  • Create a unique plan for work-life well-being that works in the long run

This session is part ofThe Dwelling Challenge: Career series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!