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Workshop: How to Love Your Body

Studies have shown that people experience body dissatisfaction at some stage in their life – including people we regard as beautiful and should have nothing to complain about their body. We love or hate our body for how it looks, or for what it can or cannot do. Have you ever caught yourself comparing your body to other people’s and wished your body looked different? 

Many of us find it difficult to accept our body, much less love it. There are parts we are ashamed of and hide, or try to fix, or give up on. Some people withhold themselves from activity because they relate to their physical body as sick or weak. Some people subject their body to abuse, eating disorders, pain, or neglect. When that happens, we limit the full expression and range of what our body can or wants to do because fundamentally, we simply don’t trust our body to serve us.

Moreover, topics like aging and pain affecting our body are very real. How do you know whether your experiences are true, or “all in your mind” as some people might have told you? With so many approaches to treatments and differing opinions about diets and exercise and what’s good for your body and what isn’t, and unless you pursue your research relentlessly and get to the bottom of things, it’s very easy to be confused about what to listen to and what course of action to take. In fact, you might even be unconsciously biased towards certain information to justify what you want to believe. Well, it’s time to stop taking information from the outside and start paying attention to information you’re getting from the inside.

We are all born in different shapes and sizes, with different constitutions. Learning to love your body when you really don’t isn’t easy. And it’s not about rationalizing or justifying why it is the way it is. Neither does chanting positive affirmations like, “I’m beautiful and no one can tell me otherwise,” change anything or bring us any closer to the truth.

In this session, join Physiotherapist Angela Lim and discover, as she shares her journey of working with numerous patients, what it means to love and listen to your body, and how you can consciously work with your physical body in ways that honor it.

What you will gain through this 2-hour session:

  • Find out what loving your body really means

  • Learn how to listen to your body

  • Uncover your relationship to pain and how to respond to pain

  • Create an action plan for loving and embracing your body to serve you

This session is part ofThe Dwelling Challenge: Health & Vitality series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!