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Fireside: The Road to Freedom

If you had been at our last Speaker Night, you would’ve heard from Ryan Paugh, the American who did the unthinkable in society’s terms by taking a break from his exceedingly successful career and going on a 15-month journey. You would have heard his incredibly astonishing tales and more importantly, how he found enlightenment through his encounters which he has now come back to society to pass on.

Ryan will be joining us again at our Fireside. Please feed the Question Bucket! We’ll have your questions discussed and look at how freedom and the lessons Ryan shared about can be experienced in our daily lives. Join us on Tuesday 23 September at The Coffee Connoisseur at PoMo, from 7.30-9.30pm. Seats are limited.

RSVP to Weiping @ 97106326 to reserve your seat now!