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Workshop: Break Your Financial Comfort Zone

Do you have a dream that you tell yourself you would be able to afford someday? Perhaps it could be a long road trip in a faraway place, or a house you would like to live in, or to build the ideal lifestyle that your family can enjoy.

If you’ve had that dream on the table for some time and haven’t taken active steps toward fulfilling it, consider that you are in your financial comfort zone. What exactly is that?

Your financial comfort zone is what is familiar to you as far as money is concerned. It’s what you are programmed to believe you can manage and is ‘right’ for you. You don’t question it, and you develop habits around your earning and spending according to what is comfortable for you. You could say that’s how you sabotage your attempts to fulfill your greatest dreams.

How does this happen? Say, you’re used to spending $2,000 each month and your dream of traveling to Europe would cost you $10,000. Your automatic response could be, “I can’t afford it.” And you would not take steps to acquire the money to travel to Europe. In fact, you’re likely to spend your money on something else that’s perhaps less important, such as shopping at an 11/11 sale. So you never get to accumulate the amount needed for your dream holiday. What other dreams have you put aside because your financial comfort zone stops you from growing beyond what is comfortable to you?

Would you like to break out of the programming you are in and take concrete steps towards finally achieving the dreams you have? Imagine the fulfillment you would get from turning your bucket list into reality.

Break your financial comfort zone in this session where you will examine your patterns around earning and spending. Get a reality check on your upper and lower limits, and challenge your notions on what is financially possible for you. Find your breakthrough that will allow you to fulfill your dreams!

What you will gain through this 2 hour session:

  • Get clarity about your income and expenses comfort zone

  • Identify gaps in your knowledge of what constitutes your financial comfort zone

  • Be crystal clear on what’s important to you and what’s not

  • Expand your framework of what’s financially possible to achieve the life you want

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Finances series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!

*Pre-homework needed for this session: Come to the session knowing how much you earn per month and the amount that you are spending per month, broken down into different categories (food, transport, housing, family, holidays, shopping, personal development, etc).