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5 Inspirational Things You can Do in 30 Minutes to Start Your Year Right

Happy New Year!

Are you looking forward to the brand new year?

Or are you feeling uncertain about what 2021 would bring?

Whatever you are feeling, here are 5 proven things that you can do in 30 minutes to gain inspiration and start the new year with a bang!

These easy-to-do activities empower you to:

  • Feel grounded and ready to start the year powerfully

  • Be clear on what’s important to you

  • Have new ideas on what you want to embark on in 2021

Learn how you can be inspired and ready to start the new year.

1. Declutter your digital space and find lost treasures

With all the apps, emails and file downloads that we get these days, your phone or computer would likely have items that you no longer have a use for. 

Sweeping out the old stuff helps to create space for new things to come for the new year, and inspiration may strike for things that you want to achieve this year.

One of the great things that could happen while you are decluttering is that you find treasures which you have previously forgotten about. 

Found an old email from a mailing list that gives you new ideas? Or an ebook that you neglected to read that inspires you? 

These are items that would help to bring new ideas and strategies for what you can do in the coming year.

2. Organize and gain confidence

Look for a place in your living or work space that requires some organizing. 

The area does not need to be big. Just a small place that you can organize in 30 minutes would already allow you to get the positive effects of organizing. 

It could be your bookshelf, your wardrobe or your work desk. Take some time to organize the area and put things in order. 

When you organize, you are in control and have the power to decide what goes where. This creates a sense of confidence and efficacy. 

Putting things in order helps you to sort out what needs to be organized in your life. When you are organising, take some time to reflect which areas of your life require organizing and require routines.

What new routines do you need for the coming year to become the person you want to be?

3. Do a free-flow journaling exercise and get clarity

A free flow journal is an exercise where you put any thoughts and emotions that you have onto paper. 

For example, if you are thinking what to have for dinner, just write, "I am thinking of having fried rice for dinner and I am feeling hungry." 

Write whatever that you think and feel down. 

Doing a free flow journal for about 30 minutes helps to clear your mind and your emotions. When you are done with the journal, you will experience clarity. 

Use the clarity that you have gotten to plan and create a great year for yourself.

4. Daydream proactively and get new ideas

Have you ever daydreamed and got a brilliant idea while doing so?

If you are like most people, daydreaming happens spontaneously. It usually happens when you are unoccupied and your mind is free to roam around. 

While it may sound counterintuitive to set aside time to daydream, in actual fact, when we do, we are freeing our mind of restrictions. New connections and ideas happen in this free space.

To help your daydreaming, you can doodle at the same time. In fact, some mental health experts call doodling “proactive daydreaming”. Sunni Brown, best-selling author of “The Doodle Revolution”, defines doodling as “a process to make spontaneous marks with your mind and body to help yourself think”.

Doodling is easy – just use any pen and a blank piece of paper and scribble or draw whatever comes up for you.

Pro tip for doodling: Draw in one continuous line, without lifting the pen from the paper. This process allows ideas to come out in a continuous stream and is highly effective in allowing richer ideas to come out.

5. Draw and tap into your creative brain

Draw? What? I don't have an artistic bone in my body! Don't worry if you feel like you can't draw or are not artistic.

It’s common knowledge that we have two parts of the brain – a logical side and a creative side.

The science behind drawing is to activate the creative part of your brain which you normally do not use. 

The point of the drawing exercise is not to create a work of art but to stimulate the parts of the brain that are usually not accessible by logic. 

Start by having a blank piece of paper and a pen or marker, and draw whatever you feel like. It doesn’t matter if the images don’t make sense or do not look pretty. 

Once you finish drawing, ask yourself what meaning the images have.

Most of the time, you will be surprised by what you find. 

You can discover hidden meanings in things which you were not previously aware of through drawing. 

What do these images and symbols mean to you in the coming year?


We hope that you have found these 5 inspirational things to do useful. 

Which one of the 5 things did you find worked best for you? Let us know!

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